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Our vision is to lead men to Christ through evangelism, as inspired by Psalm 3:3
and to fulfil the Great Commission as commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.
We are a family of believers who are committed to worshipping and serving God
We love one another as Christ loves the church
Join our Service

Worship Centre

Worship with us in our various branches.

Derby, United Kingdom

Join us at our Derby branch located at 62 derby kings college, off the courtyard.

Derby, United Kingdom

You are welcome to join the lord's family every Sunday and second Thursday of the month.
Join Us

Abuja, Nigeria

You are welcome to join the lord's family every Sunday and the second Thursday of the month.

Abuja, Nigeria

Join us at our Abuja branch located Opposite Timber Shade, Kuje Road, GwaGwalada, Abuja, Nigeria.
Join Us


Become a better you with our spirit filled content


Upcoming events
August 17, 2023-August 20, 2023

Upcoming Event

Below is our upcoming event you don't want to miss!


Shield conference

The shield conference will hold from 17th to 20th of August, 2023. Be a part of this!!

7:00 Morning Buddha Pooja followed by Chanting of Seth Pirith
7:30 Breakfast for Monks
8:00 Study
9:00 Preferred appointment taking time
11:00 Day time Buddha Pooja
11:30 Lunch for Monks
12:30 Blessing service for devotees after lunch followed by Dhamma talk
13:00 Resting
14:00 Meeting by Appointment
15:00 Gilanpasa Buddha Pooja and Chanting of Seth Pirith

Dharma School


Inspiring resources to become a better you.

Help us to maintain our community and provide teaching opportunities for future guests. Even a small sum will help or you can join a group of volunteers.


Need Some Prayers?

If you want to be prayed for or join other to prayer for the church
Please click the button to get in touch

Contact us

Send us a message and we will get to you soon
Title of the block

Samadhi Monastery
823 Lorem Rd
PO Box 197
Brooklyn, NY 12345

Samadhi Meditation Center
500 Lorem Street
Brooklyn, NY 12345

Find Us

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Opening Hours

Some description text for this item

Title of the block

February to November

Monday - Saturday
9:30 - 11:30am
a break for lunch and then
12:30 - 4:00pm

Closed Sundays

United Kingdom

No 47 Bedford street Derby,
United Kingdom.


Opposite Timber Shade,
Kuje Road, GwaGwalada,
Abuja, Nigeria.

Phone Number

+234 563 2527 98
+416 2527 78266

Email Address

Services Order
Derby Branch

Sunday Service - 2pm
Saturday- soul winning 9am

Abuja Branch

Sunday Service - 8am
Thursday - Bible study (living word) 6pm
Saturday- soul winning 9am

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